Saturday, January 25, 2014

New age math calculations...

Well, this happened while I was in a bus.

This is the conversation between two guys after they purchased three bus tickets.The guys appeared to be 25-26 year IT professionals.

Guy 1: How much were the tickets?
Guy 2: 48 
Guy 1: So, how much is each (really??)
Guy 2: 3 tickets...48 Rs. So, that is 48 by Yes, it is 16 Rs. (woahh.. Go home and open 4th grade math text book).

Me: With a really straight face and being as composed as possible (trying really hard). In my mind, I am like (ROTFL, LOL LMAO... #$%^&*)

So, in conclusion, 48/3 is a tough mathematical calculation....


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